I used to pack lunches for my kids. But no more.
There are a few reasons for this Friday confession:
#1 Time: even with easy stuff to throw into a lunch bag, I need an extra half hour at least to pack two lunches. I am not doing anything complicated like bento boxes or steamed brussel sprouts in a thermos either. With the pressures of work and need to also support homework, school events and somehow find a bit of time for my husband, the time comes from my (already) short sleep.
#2 Thanklessness: how many times have I taken the time to pack the lunch only for it to be forgotten or worse taken to school, brought back uneaten (but ruined from the jostling in the backpack and day of room temperature or warmer)? Then the next day, as I get up early and find the tossed uneaten lunch. I get angry having to throw that away and start all over again. I don’t need more tired or more angry in my life.
#3 Guilt trip: my kids go to school with other kids who have gourmet packed lunches. And I have been shamed by one of my kids in particular into not packing a good enough lunch for her. Enough said.
Wrapping It Up
I have a much smaller kiddo who still needs a packed lunch. And I have totally wimped out because I have a nanny most mornings and she will do it for me. My other go-to is to look at the hot lunch menu. I do my best sell job to my five-year old to prefer that option…honey, it’s beef tacos today – doesn’t that sound delicious??
A friend of mine never packs a lunch for her kids. Whatever the cafeteria is serving is what they get. No muss no fuss no guilt. She is my hero.
So yes, my Friday confession is, I don’t make my kids’ lunch and I’m not sweating it one bit!
At our school it is actually rare for kids to bring a lunch. There are a few that do regularly but you can tell they mostly pack their own lunches. My kids are going to be eating hot lunch! I even do as a teacher! You are just fine mama!
I LOVE this! Especially #2 with the uneaten meals and having to do it all over again. I’m all about picking my battles and finding the least complicated paths in life, and this would be it! Great job!