Working mom guilt is a bitch. When we spend more time at work than we do at home. And that makes it so much harder to say no or bag it because you constantly feel in deficit.
My daughter asked for a canopy for her birthday like this one I found on Amazon. It’s no secret that I’m not crafty in any way. But I wanted to give it a try and here’s how that went down.

Oh What Mom’s Do Because Of Mom Guilt!
I love the canopy but why oh why were the paper stars linked with thread! They completely got caught up when I pulled them out of the packaging. I was sweating bullets sewing paper stars onto flimsy lace canopy for my daughter. Needless to say, I was failing hard. But she loves them so much, I tried different ways to attach them.
Honestly, you kind of have to sew them on. It’s really hard to explain but if you look at the pic, you can see what I mean. So inevitably I screw up and do a crappy job initially. Then I realized there’s actually little tiny holes that you can actually thread a needle through. That was my “duh” moment for the day! 🙂
I Finally Finished The Canopy But Then This Happened…
After week or two, the stars got mangled so she asked me to sew them back up again. This time, we’re going to use tape.
And of course, the tape wasn’t working. We struggled in the morning with taping and getting upset, I got frustrated. I’m not proud of my short temper as I got her off to camp. I feel bad for how we left things. Then I thought, “great, more mom guilt!”
After I come home after a long workday, instead of checking my emails or getting some work done, I’m sewing paper stars onto flimsy lace for my sweet daughter. While I’m sweating and using the little sewing kits that you get at hotels – you know where the needles are really threaded (thank god for those)? I’m trying to stick to the light colors like white, pink, and green when…crap I’m running out!
I have to get the last star sewn up before I have to go to dark blue or black, that’s not going to work. And god forbid I get to threading needles on my own.
All the while my daughter is in the corner naked, singing and coloring her purse which was another gift she got for her birthday. So happy and oblivious to the beads of sweat rolling off my forehead.
Finally, It’s Done!
Here’s what my daughter’s canopy looks like. I know, it looks nothing like the picture above but as long as my daughter loves it, I’m happy!
Oh the things we do as a working professional mom! Now back to my emails. But first, let me pour another glass of Rosé! 🙂
Until next time, moms!

It’s so beautiful! You are such a good mom, your daughter is very lucky!
We do it because we love them. They got us wrapped around their tiny fingers
Haha, I can relate to this so much! Always going out of my comfort zone just to please the kiddos. I feel like most parents go through this, so at least there’s that! (;
Kim, I appreciate your vulnerability in this post! I’m sure your little one is incredibly happy with the finished product 🙂